Scientific paper
A checklist of the vascular plants of the lowland savannas of Belize
How effective are the protected areas of East Africa?
Abstract: Protected areas are the cornerstone of in situ conservation and their effective management is critical for maintaining biodiversity in the long term.
Karyotypic Analysis of Five Rodents and a Marsupial from Belize, Central America
Lessons learned from 18 years of implementing the Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool (METT)
Citation: Stolton, S, Dudley, N, Belokurov, A, Deguignet, M, Burgess, ND, Hockings, M, Leverington, F, MacKinnon, K & Young, L 2019, 'Lessons learned from 18 years of implementing the managemen
Plant Records from Natural Forest Communities in the Bladen Nature Reserve, Maya Mountains
Protected areas to deliver biodiversity need management effectiveness and equity
Abstract: It is widely recognized in science, policy, and practice that protected areas (PAs) that are equitably and effectively managed are essential for halting biodiversity loss.
Research priorities for conservation and natural resource management in Oceania's small‐island developing states
Abstract: For conservation science to effectively inform management, research must focus on creating the scientific knowledge required to solve conservation problems.
Size, age, and habitat determine effectiveness of Palau's Marine Protected Areas
Abstract: Palau has a rich heritage of conservation that has evolved from the traditional moratoria on fishing, or “bul”, to more western Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), while still retaining elemen
Strictly protected areas are not necessarily more effective than areas in which multiple human uses are permitted
Abstract: The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) classifies protected areas into six categories, ranging from strict nature reserves to areas where multiple human uses are permit
Trends in protected area representation of biodiversity and ecosystem services in five tropical countries
Abstract: In late 2020, governments will set the next decade of conservation targets under the UN Convention on Biological Diversity.