Linking Data to Better Decisions

Wildlife economy potential - national

Which assets contribute more to the country wildlife economy potential for nature-based tourism?

This indicator represents assets contributing to wildlife tourism, such as wildlife-watching species richness, biomes richness and landscape features. Both wildlife watching-species and biomes richness were weighted by an index of attractiveness based on expert opinion. Landscape features index refers to the occurrence of stunning landscapes, in particular great lakes, mountain ranges and warm coral reef. All the indices where standardised on a 0 to 3 scale and then summed up to the total potential indicator.
{"name":"Country", "show": true, "nameLocation": "middle", "nameGap": 80, "type":"category", "data":"iso3"}
{"name":"Biomes richness ", "nameLocation": "middle", "nameGap": 80, "type":"value", "data":"weighted_biomesrich_indicator"}
{"name":"Biomes richness ", "type":"bar", "bp_count":"Biomes richness ", "data":"weighted_biomesrich_indicator"}
{"name":"Specie richness", "type":"bar", "bp_count":"Specie richness", "data":"weighted_speciesrich_indicator"}
{"name":"Landscape features", "type":"bar", "bp_count":"Landscape features", "data":"landscape_features_indicator"}
Natural Breaks (Jenks)