A fundamental requirement for productive fisheries is maintenance of the biodiversity that offers natural systems resilience against changing conditions.(FAO, State of World Fishery and Aquaculture 2020). Threatened marine fish species can be legally caught in industrial fisheries and moreover according to FAO, annual estimate of fisheries interactions with at least 20 million individuals of endangered, threatened and/or protected species. Here we show the catch records (tonnes) of globally threatened species in the EEZ by country in the last 10 years.
Data Uploaded by Simona Lippi using BIOPAMA Services (2022)
What is the conservation status of the fish stocks?
A fundamental requirement for productive fisheries is maintenance of the biodiversity that offers natural systems resilience against changing conditions.(FAO, State of World Fishery and Aquaculture 2020). Threatened marine fish species can be legally caught in industrial fisheries and moreover according to FAO, annual estimate of fisheries interactions with at least 20 million individuals of endangered, threatened and/or protected species. Here we show the catch records (tonnes) of globally threatened species in the EEZ by country in the last 10 years.