The Indicator 15.2.1. "Progress towards sustainable forest management" for the target 15.2, is composed of five sub-indicators that measure progress towards all dimensions of sustainable forest management.
The sub-indicators are:
Forest area annual net change rate
Above-ground biomass stock in forest
Proportion of forest area located within legally established protect areas
Proportion of forest area under a long term forest management plan
Forest area under an independently verified forest management certification scheme
This sub-indicator looks at the forest area that is under a long term forest management plan. The existence of a documented forest management plan is the basis for long term and sustainable management of the forest resources for a variety of management objectives such as for wood and non-wood forest products, protection of soil and water, biodiversity conservation, social and cultural use, and a combination of two or several of these. An increasing area under forest management plan is therefore an indicator of progress towards sustainable forest management.
Source data: Open SDG Data Hub
Proportion of forest area under a long-term management plan (percent)
The sub-indicator looks at the forest area that is under a long term forest management plan. The existence of a documented forest management plan is the basis for long term and sustainable management of the forest resources for a variety of management objectives such as for wood and non-wood forest products, protection of soil and water, biodiversity conservation, social and cultural use, and a combination of two or several of these. An increasing area under forest management plan is therefore an indicator of progress towards sustainable forest management