Percentage of Illegal Killing of Elephants (PIKE) by protected areas in MIKE programme.
In the regional and national tabs, maps show the normalised average PIKE over the activity period for each protected area in MIKE programme and included in the selected region/s or country/ies.
In the local tab, the time series of annual PIKE is presented for each protected area in MIKE programme.
Normalised Average Percentage of Illegal Killings of Elephants (PIKE) by protected area in MIKE programme
Normalised Average of the Percentage of Illegal Killings of Elephants (PIKE) over the reporting period, by protected area in the CITES MIKE programme in the selected region.
This indicator was generally higher in Central and Southern Africa then in Western and Eastern.
Please note that protected areas included in the same MIKE site share the same statistic.
Percentage of Illegal Killing of Elephants (PIKE) by protected area in MIKE programme
Timeseries of reported Percentage of Illegal Killing of Elephants (PIKE) by protected area in MIKE programme.
In Eastern Africa , Katavi-Rukwa and Babile sites reported high PIKE over the whole programme period, while Selou-Mikumi, Samburu-Laikipia and Tsavo sites have shown PIKE improvement in the recent years. In other sites PIKE trends were more variable, resulting in lower normalised average indicator.
In Southern Africa , since 2010 PIKE has been steadily high in Niassa Game Reserve, averaging 56 % in 12 years (range 33-97%), and Magoe. When considering the normalised average indicator, even South Luangwa National Park emerges as high PIKE site, averaging 36% in 17 years (range 25-77%). The decrease of PIKE is evident for Nyami Nyami for the last decade, and for Zambesi and Chewore sites more recently.
In Central Africa, Garamba complex reported the highest normalised average PIKE for the region, 64%, followed by Okapi Wildlfie Reserve, 43%, and Bangassou, 38% In all these sites PIKE were steadily high over time, the differences in the indicators reflecting the actual number of carcasses.
In Western Africa, the indicator was the worst in Marahoué and Sapo (36%) but they reported for few years, while in W de Burkina and Ziama (30%) the PIKE was constantly high over time. In the last decade, Tai and Pendjari performed relatively well.
Please note that protected areas included in the same MIKE site share the same statistic.
Normalised Average Percentage of Illegal Killings of Elephants (PIKE) by protected area in MIKE programme
Normalised Average of the Percentage of Illegal Killings of Elephants (PIKE) over the activity period, by protected area involved in CITES MIKE programme in the selected country.
Please note that protected areas included in the same MIKE site share the same statistic.