A new paper published in Nature Sustainability mapped the irrecoveral carbon in earth's ecosystems. It shows how manageable, vulnerable and irrecoverable carbon are distributed among ecosystems. Petland, mangrove forests, old-growth forests are the most important- reserve of irrecoverable carbon. ““Irrecoverable carbon” refers to the vast stores of carbon in nature that are vulnerable to release from human activity and, if lost, could not be restored by 2050 — when the world must reach net-zero emissions to avoid the worst impacts of climate change..”. Here we are showing the percentage of irrecoverable carbon density by ACP country in million tonnes and the mean of irrecoverable carbon density for the year 2018 in Mg ha-1 protected by protected and conserved areas.
To explore deeper the original dataset and research, visit Conservation International Resilience Atlas. Source: Noon, M.L., Goldstein, A., Ledezma, J.C. et al. Mapping the irrecoverable carbon in Earth’s ecosystems. Nat Sustain 5, 37–46 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41893-021-00803-6
Data Uploaded by Simona Lippi using the BIOPAMA Services (2022)
Where is the irrecoverable carbon?
A new paper published in Nature Sustainability mapped the irrecoveral carbon in earth's ecosystems. It shows how manageable, vulnerable and irrecoverable carbon are distributed among ecosystems. Petland, mangrove forests, old-growth forests are the most important- reserve of irrecoverable carbon. ““Irrecoverable carbon” refers to the vast stores of carbon in nature that are vulnerable to release from human activity and, if lost, could not be restored by 2050 — when the world must reach net-zero emissions to avoid the worst impacts of climate change..”. Here we are showing the percentage of irrecoverable carbon density by ACP country in million tonnes. Source: Noon, M.L., Goldstein, A., Ledezma, J.C. et al. Mapping the irrecoverable carbon in Earth’s ecosystems. Nat Sustain 5, 37–46 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41893-021-00803-6
where the ecosystems, with irrecoverable carbon stored, are protected?
Protecting Irrecoverable Carbon
Identifying to what extent ecosystems storing irrecoverable carbon are protected is crucial to better address conservation strategies and protected areas management in order to achieve climate goals. This dataset shows the mean of irrecoverable carbon density for the year 2018 in Mg/ha that falls within protected and conserved areas. The original dataset is the irrecoveral total carbon density for the year 2018 at 300 m spatial resolution. Source dataset: Noon M, Goldstein A, Ledezma JC, Roehrdanz P, Cook-Patton SC, Spawn-Lee SA, Wright TM, Gonzalez-Roglich M, Hole DG, Rockström J, and Turner WR 2021. Mapping the irrecoverable carbon in Earth’s ecosystems. Nature Sustainability. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4091029.