Linking Data to Better Decisions

Above-ground biomass stock in forest (tonnes per hectare)

Changes in the above-ground biomass stock in forest indicate the balance between gains in biomass stock due to forest growth and losses due to wood removals, natural losses, fire, wind, pests and diseases. At country level and over a longer period, sustainable forest management would imply a stable or increasing biomass stock per hectare, while a long-term reduction of biomass stock per hectare would imply either unsustainable management of the forests and degradation or unexpected major losses due to fire, wind, pests or diseases.

Response (Policies and Goals/Targets)
15.2: By 2020, promote the implementation of sustainable management of all types of forests, halt deforestation, restore degraded forests and substantially increase afforestation and reforestation globally
Make Map Points
National Data

Above-ground biomass stock in forest (tonnes per hectare)

Changes in the above-ground biomass stock in forest indicate the balance between gains in biomass stock due to forest growth and losses due to wood removals, natural losses, fire, wind, pests and diseases. At country level and over a longer period, sustainable forest management would imply a stable or increasing biomass stock per hectare, while a long-term reduction of biomass stock per hectare would imply either unsustainable management of the forests and degradation or unexpected major losses due to fire, wind, pests or diseases.
{"name":"year", "show": true, "nameLocation": "middle", "nameGap": 80, "type":"category", "data":"timePeriodStart"}
{"name":"tonnes for hectare", "nameLocation": "middle", "nameGap": 80, "type":"value", "data":"value"}
{"name":"Above-ground biomass stock in forest (tonnes per hectare)", "type":"line", "bp_count":"Above-ground biomass stock in forest (tonnes per hectare)", "data":"value"}
Natural Breaks (Jenks)